Education is an important tool for being enlightened and aware of why we are here for. The realization why we are here for is essential to promote honesty in the society. An educational process also brings many ones together and enhances networking and connections which would be helpful for spreading the message. We
are aiming at launching various education and training programs to build our network, connections and generate some revenue. In the past, we ran education program for the children free of charge so that they can become honest citizen in near future. Now we are running some courses online. Appended below are our scheduled courses with more information and the links for application. Successful applicants will be informed through email (always), phone calls or messages (rarely). Please check your Spam or Trash box if you do not get our reply within reasonable time. Please do not hesitate to call us at 88 01534572504 if you need any information urgent. If you are interested, please apply online hitting the button "Apply Now" at the right side of (in case of smart phone it is appended below) the course announcement. The top photograph shows the participants from National Heart Foundation of Bangladesh who attended Biostatistics and Stata course in 2022. ​The photograph below shows nationals from Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Uganda, South Sudan, and Pakistan attended the course titled Epidemiological Research and Stata in 2022.
Basics of Biostatistics in Research and SPSS (Batch-4)
Tentative schedule 05 April - 10 May, 2025 | Fri-Sat | 07:00 pm - 11:00 pm (40 hours)
FCPS, MD and post graduate medical students interested in research are preferred in the course.
Participants from BIRDEM, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), icddr,b, Deutsche Cleft Kinderhilfe, Centre for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh (CIPRB), Friendship (NGO), Chittagong General Hospital, Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited, AMZ Hospital LTD, Care Bangladesh, Senior Citizen Hospital, DGHS, Dhaka Central International Medical College and Hospital, National Heart Foundation of Bangladesh attended this course.
Course Content:
Biostatistics and it application in research, introduction, concepts of variables and its classification and application, confounding variables and its role in research, complex or computed variables and its application. How to present research findings: use of texts, tables and graphs, descriptive statistics and its use in research, measures of the middle and its application. Different measures of the middle: arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean and their application, quartile and percentile and its role in research and treatment. Use of SPSS (Version-20) in creating variables and descriptive statistics. Variability: why we need it, conceptual issues, different measures of variability, mean deviation, standard deviation, variance, coefficient of variation, median absolute deviation and their use in research. Concept of normality, normal distribution, area under the normal curve, calculation of normal reference range, standard normal variant (Z value) and its use in research and practice. Concept of population and sample, sampling distribution, sampling error, standard error and its application in research. Concept of confidence interval, p-value and their use, proportion and its confidence interval. Relation of two or more quantitative variables: correlation (Pearsons, Sphearman rank correlation), covariance and their applicability in research, use of SPSS in the calculation. Concept of regression, simple linear regression, simple logistic regression, use of SPSS in the calculation. Inferential statistics, Type I and Type II error in research, Hypothesis (Null and alternate hypothesis) and its use in research (t-test and Z-test), use of SPSS in the calculation. Chi Square test and other nonparametric tests (Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney Test, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks), use of SPSS in the calculation. One way ANOVA: conceptual issues and its use in research, non parametric Kruskal-Wallis Test and use of SPSS in the calculation.
Certificate awarding at the LUBH premises
Basics of Epidemiology, Research and Stata (Batch-6)
Tentative schedule 04 January - 01 February, 2025 | Fri-Sat | 07:00 pm - 11:30 pm (40 hours)
FCPS, MD and post graduate medical students interested in research are preferred in the course.
Participants from Leprosy hospital, Sylhet, Dhaka Medical College, icddr,b, BRAC maternity clinic, BSMMU, Rangamati General Hospital, Kurmitola General Hospital, Dhaka (DGHS), Dr. M R Khan Shishu Hospital & Institute of Child Health, Chattogram Port Authority, Kurmitola General Hospital, National Institute of Mental Health, BIRDEM, Combined Military Hospital (Dhaka), and Brahmanbaria Medical College & Hospital among others attended this course.
Course Content:
Epidemiology; concept and application, Epidemiological triad, basic measurements in Epidemiology (ratio, proportion, rate, incidence, cumulative incidence, incidence rate, prevalence, attack rate etc.). Research Cycle: the basic concept, research team, and assignment of responsibility and authorship of future manuscript to avoid potential controversies. Selection of a research topic. What we know about the research topic: literature search and managing references with Zotero. Research question to research protocol development; Structuring and writing different sections of research protocol for scientific review and ethical clearance. Methodology- study population, study design (case report, case series, ecological, cross-sectional, sampling techniques, sample size calculation using Stata, participant recruitment and dealing with gate keepers. Case-control study (design, conduction, analysis and interpretation, case study, creating variables, data management, calculation in Stata, descriptive and inferential statistics in Stata). Prospective of Cohort Study (design, conduction, analysis- calculation in Stata, and interpretation, Case study, estimation of risk: Risk Ratio (RR), Attributable risk (AR), Population Attributable Risk (PAR). Clinical Trial (design, conduction, analysis- calculation in Stata, and interpretation, case study) , concept of causality. Screening in health: sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, efficiency of a test, ROC curve and establishing cutoff points, exercise. Bias in epidemiological studies (selection bias, information bias, confounding etc.), Standardization of rates. Outbreak Investigation: steps and exercise, Ethical issues in research and publication. Data collection tool development, Writing results; text, table and graph. Drafting a manuscript, acknowledgement of support, disclosing conflict of interest- sharing real life scenarios Review of manuscript by peer or someone knowledgeable- information on potential resource persons (paid or volunteer), deciding about potential journal for submission, drafting a cover letter and sharing it to all authors and fine touch before submission.
Participants and faculty attending an on-line session in the course:
Advanced Biostatistics in Research and Stata (Batch-5)
Tentative schedule 02-30 August, 2025 | Fri-Sat | 07:00 pm - 11:30 pm (40 hours)
FCPS, MD and post graduate medical students interested in research are preferred in the course.
Participants from BSMMU (Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University), North South University, Chattogram Port Authority, icddr,b, National Institute of Mental Health, LifeSpring, WHO, Centre for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh (CIPRB), BRAC JPG School of Public Health, and Leprosy Hospital, Sylhet among others attended this course.
Course Content:
Basics of data management, creating variables, assigning value label, data entry, importing data from Excel, SPSS, data cleaning, data formatting, checking for data consistency through menu bar and dialogue box in Stata. Basic descriptive statistics and inferential statistics including measures of the middle and dispersion, covariance and correlation matrix, t test, ANOVA, simple linear regression, concepts of confounding and effect modification. Model building in epidemiological studies with continuous outcome data using Stata, model diagnostics of continuous outcome data using Stata, dealing with confounding and effect modification in multiple regression through menu bar and dialogue box in Stata. Advanced analyses of categorical data with contingency table through menu bar and dialogue box in Stata. Conceptual understanding maximum likelihood estimation and logistic regression, multivariable logistic and log-binomial model in Stata, overview of ordinal, nominal and conditional logistic regression and model diagnostics through menu bar and dialogue box in Stata. Conceptual understanding and analysis of count data (rates, proportions, ratios etc), Poisson and negative binomial regression for count data through menu bar and dialogue box in Stata. Conceptual understanding of longitudinal and clustered data, analyses longitudinal and clustered data, concepts of generalized estimating equations (GEE) for analysis of longitudinal data, concepts of multilevel analysis (mixed model)- random intercept and random slope models, application of GEE and mixed model to analyze binary and continuous outcome data through menu bar and dialogue box in Stata. Conceptual understanding of survival analysis, survival functions, Kaplan–Meyer and other survival curves, regression in survival analysis; Cox Proportional Hazard (PH) model, multivariable Cox PH models, checking and dealing with violation of PH assumption, generating adjusted survival curves from regression models.
Basics of Qualitative Research: Conceptualization to Publication
Tentative schedule 04 October-01 November, 2025| Fri - Sat | 07:00 pm - 11:30 pm (40 hours) (Batch-4)
Participants from National Institute of Mental Health, Medfiles oy Kuopio, Finland, Save The Children International, Cox's Bazar, Chattagram International Medical College, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), Centre for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh (CIPRB), icddr,b, Solidaridad (an international organization), LifeSpring, KYA Bioresearch Services, Comilla Medical College, Sheikh Hasina Medical College Hospital, BRAC JPG School of Public Health, and WHO among others attended the course in the past:
Course Content:
Theoretical perspective of qualitative research, Concept and importance of qualitative research and different qualitative research approaches, Scope and areas of using qualitative research as a complementary approach to quantitative design, Conceptualizing and writing a qualitative research protocol, Selecting a qualitative research topic, What we know about the qualitative research topic: literature search and managing references with Zotero, Sampling in qualitative research, preparing qualitative data collection guideline, Different data collection techniques: interview, group discussion and observation, Practice sessions (if possible) on interview, group discussion and observation, Preparing transcripts, Qualitative data management and analysis, use of software R package for Qualitative Data Analysis (RQDA), Ethical issues in qualitative research, How to write, submit a qualitative research article for publication and how to respond to the review of the article, Validity, reliability and limitation of qualitative research, How to review a qualitative research article, Presentation of a protocol in a group (around 30 minutes for each presentation).
Evaluation from an assistant professor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU)
Participants from BSMMU (Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University), Social Marketing Company, Centre for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh (CIPRB), KYA Bio Research, Dhaka Shishu Hospital, BIRDEM, icddr,b among others attended the Basics of Research Cycle and Stata course during 15 January-27 February 2021:
Research- Consultancy and Guidance
We are forming a research group from the participants we train and will provide services such as guidance in protocol development, organizing and carrying out research work (both qualitative and quantitative), help in data analysis (SPSS or Stata), and report writing. If you are interested in mental health service and research please join us hitting the button MHGI. We have a plan to form an ethical review committee to assist research works in near future. At present we are discussing with relevant others about the possibility.